Audience Research

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                                                                                                                                                            From this result I can analyse that my primary audience will be males however I will also have a secondary audience of females as my research shows I still have have a high percentage of females, 40%. Also the primary target will be 16-18 year olds. Overall my target audience will be 16-18 year old males and females. Therefore I will be using a simpler vocabulary and may be using informal 'slang' language to draw my target audience to the newspaper. I will be also using a large range of images which will be another aspect that will draw them to my newspaper. As young people tend to look forward to images rather than very long formal text.

After seeing the results of my target age was teenagers, I instantly assumed that for this question I will have a majority for tabloid as that was the predicted stereotype. Therefore I am aiming to have a typical tabloid newspaper with a large, bold and catchy headliner and also lots of images on the different new presented. An idol newspaper that I would be looking at will be The Sun newspaper, however not as global as The Sun as my target audience is the people in the local. Therefore I will have to a large amounts advertisement and also many stories featured in the newspaper to be advertised on the front page of the newspaper.

From these results I can analyse that most of my images that I take for my newspaper will have to be medium shots. Therefore the audience wants some parts of the main object in my newspaper stories but also wants to see parts of the surrounding as well.

As the majority has voted for the a price in between 50p-75p, I am going to price it at 65p for it equal.This will allow everyone that voted above this option to buy it as it is cheaper and could also encourage the other two people that voted the cheapest option by the price not being too expensive.

 A majortiy of my target consumers never buy newspapers or rarely buy it, I must create an outstanding newspaper that will draw them to buy it, as they generally don't buy newspapers my advertisement from my radio advertisement and newpaper billboard will have to be also published and advertised spectacularly to be able to encourage my target consumers to buy my newspaper.

The three highest responses was music,crime and fashion. Therefore I have to include all three of them in my newspaper. However I am going to pick Crime as my main story but I will also add little stories of fashion and music in the newspaper and I will put notes in these little stories noting to them that these could be found in more detail in later. Therefore my newspaper will apply to larger range of people.

Although the majority of votes were for sometimes, there was a very high vote for the preference of advertisement. Therefore I am going to input a large variety of advertisement on my newspaper.
As a have a very varied responses in this question suggests that I am going to have very large variety of advertisement from jobs to helplines and chatlines and these results also suggests that I have a very mixed group of consumers with very mixed interests. Therefore I am going to find a mid-point in my newspaper that all my consumers can relate to.

From this result I can analyse that I will have to put a gift in the newspaper. This aspect will encourage more people to buy the newspaper.

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