Evaluation Question 2

My ancillary products, my billboard and newspaper radio advertisement have a great link with my main product which is a newspaper. The aim of both of them is to market and advertise the newspaper and the story in the newspaper. With my billboard I kept the same theme colours as I have in my newspaper, red and white to keep the link between the ancillary product and the main product, therefore the consumer’s will recognise the large logo of my newspaper on the billboard. The billboard also links to the main story in my newspaper as I have inserted similar images from my newspaper into my billboard. Therefore the consumer was able to recognise the main story of that date was going to be about a murder story also as well as the specific images I inserted were of police tape and of dead body which revealed the story.                                                                                                                                                                                  The newspaper radio advertisement is another strategy of marketing and advertising, hence the title. But instead of just advertising the newspaper and the story in the paper as the billboard does, it also advertises other news, information and prizes in the newspaper. For example my newspaper advertises a chance to win a free holiday to Dubai. Therefore more information is given to the consumer about the variety of content in the newspaper. This makes the consumers more informed and interested about the paper. Whereas billboards aren’t as informative, it just simply states the name, logo and slogan of the newspaper and also the story it features in the paper however that is its purpose.                                                                                                                                                                Overall both ancillary products are used for advertisement for the consumer market, in my case young adults. The ancillary products advertising the newspaper has a huge impact on the success of the newspaper. As without the advertisement my consumer market wouldn’t be aware of my newspaper and therefore it wouldn’t be known by potential buyers, so it wouldn’t be read. Therefore the advertisement of my newspaper by my ancillary products is key strategy in order for my paper to sell.

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